About #WebToolsTV

Where it is not always on the web where you can use cool tools and gadgets to make your life easier (and fun!) -Deborah

Greetings, Friends. Glad to have you here.

For many years, Deborah Anderson has been hosting Social Web Cafe Interviews. Now, in 2015, as an extension of that, she has started the Web Tools TV brand. These are weekly shows (LIVE or first time airing at 6p PST/PDT on Wednesdays). For the most part, these are interviews with and about the people behind the brand. A “tool” is classified as anything that helps us do our job more easily or more efficiently or more effectively. Hey, in some cases, a dictionary could be considered a tool for a writer 🙂 There are some other shows, with power users and perspectives. These are sprinkled in, as well. So, bookmark the site to come back and catch up on all of the shows at once, or tune in to watch them on Wednesdays.

Free Content in the Web Tools TV Community (also free)

Oh, also, Web Tools TV works in conjunction with another brand of Social Web Cafe, #SocialCafe weekly events. Through that association, we are able to extend contests and special offers from our featured vendors. While we don’t promise that there will never be a charge or monetization to this, at this time, we offer all of this FREE OF CHARGE to you, our beloved audience and community. So, please enjoy!

Web Tools TV for Fresh Weekly Content

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